Anita Joshi, PT
Anita Joshi is sole owner of All Care Physical Therapy Services . P. C . Buffalo New York .
The company came into existence in November 1989. Anita has been licensed and registered physical therapist for last 38 years. She has been working in private practice that she owns since 33 years. She started initailly as a staff physical therapist at Sisters of Charity Hospital. Buffalo New York from 1985–1989. Later she worked as independent contractual physical therapist in area nursing homes Manhattan Manor, Sheridan Manor, Nazareth nursing Home and Ridgeview Manor. She has experienced in geriatrics, adults and children . He expertise is in orthopedic and neurologically affected patients and she strives to get them to prior functioning level. She has built a building in 2003 and custom designed to take care of all patients that need rehab from Auto accidents, work related injuries, post operative hip replacement, post operative knee replacement, shoulder, neck and lower back issues .
This office is open Monday to Saturday.
Hours are from 7:30 –5:00 pm .
She accepts all insurances except Fedalis Care.
Please come and take a look at state of the art facility in Buffalo city .